Friday, May 8, 2020

what just happened?

It was the time in 2020 that followed the virus released the previous year. Corona virus had shut down the entire world. China showed the world that shelter in place worked so everyone stayed home, no going out as the virus was everywhere. Empty streets, no traffic, ghost town as seen here.

I stay alone in a 6 bedroom flat with a 4 car garage, a fully furnished basement, a hothouse and central heating. Plants kept me alive, as I am alone, the children lived and worked elsewhere. My only companion is a student who stayed in one of the rooms, helped with shopping, cooking, cleaning and keeping me engaged, sane during this period of extreme loneliness.

When the stores announced closure due to the lockdown, I asked her to get rice, spices, lentils to stock up till the lockdown was lifted. Handed her a $100 bill, the list was for what was available. She shopped for stuff, stored it and rationed it daily.
Working and studying from home, she had a positive outlook, cheerful always, her nose in a book to clear the tough medical exams to be taken soon.
A month later, today on May 8, I realized that shops must be open and we needed supplies. But the bins were stocked, grocery fresh, spice racks full, even juices (grape, lemon, cranberry), my chocolates (Lindt, Ghirardelli) in plenty.
Did she spend to buy all this? she did not earn any income, her scholarship paid the fees, she must have taken a loan and I was so upset...
"No" she said, "You did give me money, still have enough for this month".
Digging through the pile, she pulled out the bill, a grand total of $32. How, what, there was so much stuff in the pantry, I checked the bill again.
Rice- 20 lbs, lentils 4 lbs split peas,( chana, mung, masur, tur) all purpose flour, spices 6 varieties, all only 32?
ok, mystery solved.
The bill only took the single digit.
So rice cost 12.99 was billed 2.99.
Dals(lentils) were all 3.99 instead of 13.99.
That explained the bill.
Oh the billing machine was messed up, I called the store to explain.

The gentle softspoken owner explained it was his way of helping the loyal customers during the troubling times, students need help.
And teachers too, he said his 6 kids were helped by me and late spouse to graduate, the family is grateful, knowing no help would be taken willingly, he requested my silence so he could continue to be there for the community.

Speechless, I cried, wept, large tears.

The graduate student who selflessly keeps me going.
The community who just lifted up and quietly helped without fanfare.
Real heroes everyone, every time.
We will overcome this too. Stay safe, all of you.
Stay safe.


  1. What a sweet gesture by the store owner. Lifts one’s spirit when we read about such people. And there are so many of them doing their bit.

    1. Yes, my friend-one reveals oneself selflessly, quietly, no fanfare, we are one family shoild be the theme.


Kindly post your views we can enjoy our journey together-thank you