Sunday, May 10, 2020

a pigment of imagination

It was fleet, needle shaped icicles pin pointing the wind chimes that swung wildly. Winds howled, rattling the shingles, the gutters trembled, the whispering willow gasped.
I looked forlornly at the empty streets around, the phone shrilled.
"Happy Mothers day", piped a tiny voice-
"Can I ask you to help some babies get borned?"
What, where, when, twins, whats happening..scared to venture out, I asked my 5 year old neighbor what she wanted me to do.
Come outside gmaa, the black cat is climbing the pole..see?

"Call your mama, you must not come over", my heart was breaking when saying this as I had taken care of her since she was born and she was upset why now coming over was a no-no.

The gale force winds had blown off the top of the nest.
The birdhouse had two eggs inside and now our worry was that her black cat should not get the tiny freshly laid treasures.
Tender hearted Isra, worried about the heavy rain, wind, cat circling as her tears moved me. I promised to fix it, if she watched through the window and did not come out.
My neighbor across the street, an aged war veteran agreed to do damage control. The ironing board needed new padding so I ripped it off and the video explains the next step.

"Thankyou grandmaa, you are the best, and grandpaa too"..the childs' relief was palpable.
Grandpa knocked on the door, N95 mask on, I invited him in.
We talked about the situation, he stayed for dinner- thus started a new chapter in our life.

Well, no idea what lies ahead, he is decent, single and interesting.
Life is meaningful again.
Happy mother's day 2020. Cheers!

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