Wednesday, May 13, 2020

the raven cried croak

As usual, the two met by the pond at the outer edge of the housing complex.

The pair was unusual.
One, a Black lady with highly curled fizzy hair who had on purple lipstick, wore 5 inch heels, black, tight body hugging stretch suit trying to hold in a 320 lb mass of quivering flesh on a 6 ft frame holding a tiny dog on a colored leash.
The other a diminutive 120 lb, 4'9" Asian, clad in a salwar kurta and flowing cotton shawl in vibrant colors of spring, the quintessential David to the aforesaid Goliath.

They each walked around the pond at the same time, early morning at 6 am.
The first time they saw each other, David smiled while Goliath nodded as she has a smartphone clutched to her ear even as she tried to hold on to the leash and balance on the slim wedges she had on. Glancing at the sensible Converse shoes David wore, she smirked, unmindful of her shaking and heaving body parts as she wobbled on, towering over the other with a sense of pride at her getup.

So here we go, the undernourished, ill kempt, an immigrant Asian who is stealing jobs from Americans thought Goliath.
Another one who needs healing, deduced David as she perused her fellow walking partner, each walking away around the pond.
Now they were bound to meet twice as they circled the track in opposite directions, right? each with their own thoughts.

Fast forward to winter early 2020, the ambulance blared through the still of the night, as both phones lit up. Goliath, almost unconscious was being loaded onto the van, even as David switched off the phone, rushed out, buttoning up her body suit and putting on her N95 mask. The young doctor sized up her walking buddy, hoping she could save her, "I must see this through, even though my shift just ended, sleep can wait".

Three weeks later, having lost about 40 lbs, just taken off the ventilator G peered into the eyes of her savior- taken aback by the smiling eyes of her neighbor, D.
"Welcome back, you must keep up the spirit, we will meet again on the walking tracks". Hope soared as the meaning penetrated her fuzzy memory- oh the little Asian is the spirit who kept me alive?

A month later, she walked to the pond bench, hoping to see the tiny figure jogging around. Must be busy at the hospital, she must be overwhelmed by patients, must help, rambling, she decided to cook up some soup and bake her cakes and cookies.

Forgetting her lethargy, Goliath kept baking, making stew, soup, cooking, cleaning, making masks. Her energy soared as she was involved in helping the nurses, doctors and fellow neighbors. Packing platters into baskets, she sent fresh bread, soup and nutribars to every house on her walking track. Everyday she sent nourishing, homecooked meals to the wards, hoping her spirit would heal as she shed the lbs. Throwing away the branded shoes, large clothes, fancy props, a new sleek, slim, mature, down to earth woman emerged.

Every day at 6 am she waited diligently to thank her friend and well wisher, hoping she could apologize for her selfish thoughts.
My deliverance, my mentor, my friend- hope you are safe and keep healing  not only the body but also the soul- is the litany she repeats to keep herself from falling an weeping.
What goes around, comes around- this kept her from falling into depression- Ah, there she is, slim, smiling, the halo shimmered as she neared.
They waved, G pointed to the basket, and heart overflowing, walked on as D picked up the goodies and waved.

Time heals- friends forever.

1 comment:

  1. This is just what the virus has taught us. It spares or scares as it will. While some reach death’s door others escape with either mild touch and go symptoms or none at all. Man’s pride has certainly taken a beating.


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