Wednesday, May 13, 2020

the shine of liquid gold

Rippling, shining,
the color of tepid, teal, tea..
Memories of another day
made waves into the subconscious.

Life so smooth, soothed
into woven cocoons of
familial bonds.
Now lost forever.

Forge new ones
forget the past
Seek the future
How, why, when
No answers!

Sun low, hiding behind
narrow bands
of a clear tangerine sky.

Calm waters gather
reflections of lapping waters.

Memories of long ago
hazy yet distinct

feelings well up above despair
Hope triumphs over fear
where there is breath there is
new life starting afresh

                                  this too shall pass and a new era
of living with sentient beings
will be the way forward henceforth..

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