Thursday, October 9, 2014


"With tangled roots hanging down from your branches,
O ancient banyan tree.
You stand still day and night, like an ascetic at his penances
Do you ever remember the child whose fancy played with your shadows ?"
---Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore

My memories are vivid.
Deeply insecure, I had crooked teeth, dark complexion and bad straggly hair, no wonder they did not want me.
The elderly aunt who had agreed to let me stay with her while my parents travel to the US, was unsympathetic. Her no nonsense attitude made me focus all my anger and sorrow at her.
She had just retired after four decades of Government service. The photo on the mantle showed old fashioned clothes, grey hair tied back in a severe bun, a prime candidate on whom I could vent my frustrations, totally ignoring the fact that she had offered to care for a 13 year old with a bad attitude and an inferiority complex.
She did not even come to the airport to pick me up.
Well,why should she care anyway?
I hugged my backpack and tried to look nonchalant even as my internal thoughts were in turmoil.

No one cared for me,  I am a burden and unwanted,my own parents did not want me on their foreign trip.Tears welled up as I wiped them away angrily. I will show them I do not care-so there.
 The house was stately and grand,the long road winding up, leading to the stunning porch filled with lovely flowers of all colors.
A dainty doggie trotted out to greet me.
Soft music played, cool breeze wafted the fragrance of the magnolias, my heart stopped its crazy beats.
 This must be Dante,moms' darling dog who they had to send away when dad could not stand him as he was allergic, she remembered.
Funny how she had chosen to forget things when they did not go her way.
Dante remembered her, jumping all over, licking and yipping, excited barks, she felt her leaden heart begin to soften.

Smiling and serene, the slim neatly styled, jeans clad lady was not at all who I expected. Dante jumped into my arms and licked my face and neck, excited.
Smiling, she invited me into the cool confines of the beautifully decorated house.

Bathed, well fed, I nodded off, something that had eluded me for a few months.

    Dante woke me early, we went out in the woods behind the house. I saw a little stream bubbling by, the wild flowers swayed with the gentle breeze ,their iridescent colors reflecting the early morning dew and sunlight.
My mood lifted and the first signs of excitement made me hungry for more.After a delicious breakfast with Suryatai (the femme fatal of my nightmares who I had misjudged so much), we went grocery shopping to the local farmers market.

The dainty little goat who trotted out to meet Dante, led me to meet Saki,a handicapped little girl just a year younger, we soon became fast friends.
She, who had lived here since birth, knew everything there was to know about everyone in the little town.We talked about so many things that I lost track of time.
The day progressed as Saki came home and spent the day with me.
This was the set pattern for the days to come,we each helped the other. She explained the flowers, herbs, birds, their songs, planting,  garden and soil secrets which fascinated me so much.
I helped her with Math ,Science, language, diction and reading. She loved my books and soon the days flew by.

Saki's mother who worked in a beauty parlor was a good friend of Suryatai. She offered to trim my hair.
Soon I had a shining bob that suited my heart shaped face, my teeth were set right by Sakis' father  Sudhama,who was an orthodontist.The fresh air helped and good food, pure water and open air living gave me a healthy complexion.
I no longer feared to see myself in the mirror as my body filled out and I looked strong and healthy.

Clothes in dark colors, made to fit me were comfortable.
 I soon ditched the shorts and tops and wore pretty skirts that swirled and swayed in rainbow colors.
 Running barefoot up and down  the fields, swimming in the little stream, learning something new every day and most of all being appreciated by Saki who I explained and coaxed to learn her school lessons helped me shed my fears
 All too soon it was time for me to return home. Just a week, oh how three months had flown by.

My parents were back and sounded cheerful. Celebrating my birthday made memorable by the small crowd of friends and family here, appreciating all that the summer spent here had meant for me, I tiptoed into Tais room.
 She smiled as I hugged her and laid my head on her shoulders, gently caressed my glossy hair that had now grown out.
Be happy little one, she held my hand and softly told me why I had been sent to her by my parents.
They loved me and wanted me to be safe and secure while papa had his surgery for a tumor that was growing in his intestine.The operation had been a success and he was now recovering.

   Oh ! how I had misjudged everyone.They all loved me so much and cared enough to want me safe and happy. This was the happiest summer of my life, I felt carefree, confident and in control of myself.

With tangled roots hanging down from your branches,
O ancient banyan tree.
You stand still day and night, like an ascetic at his penances
Do you ever remember the child whose fancy played with your shadows ?
Remembering the poem by R Tagore,
I made my way to Saki's house ,we talked and talked way into the night.

1 comment:

  1. The description of the elderly aunt in the second para was a bit confusing. It is not clear from the initial narrative that it was only the young girl's perception without meeting the lady. Of course, this issue gets clarified in one of the subsequent paras: " the femme fatal of my nightmares who I had misjudged so much " . Over all, a nice story!


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